When Srixon came to the US, it was with no awareness, a name no one could pronounce, much less spell, great history of innovation and great performance claims – which no golfer would believe coming from them. So our client put balls aside, brought out the cahoonas, and put their entire print budget behind several 3-page inserts like the one above. Our insight? If people invest in gathering knowledge, they’re more likely to believe it. And believe it they did – going from 0 to 14% awareness without TV.
Who could we turn into a brand activist for a ball that had game but no name? The non-conformist skilled golfers who like to bring a little swagger to the tee box. And champion us they did, all the way to expanded distribution.
Jim Furyk. Nice, quiet, conservative, a Top Ten Money Winner. The perfect spokesman for a rebellious ball with plenty of ‘tude. Gaining brand enthusiasts, loyalists and activists to the tune of $37 million in sales.